Tracey Staehle's CoreBlast DVD

  • Core / Ab workout from Tracey Staehle, released April 2007
  • Beginner to Advanced Level (modifications shown for beginner level)
  • Filled with a variety of fresh exercises, equipment options & challenge modifications
  • 45 minutes

Product Description
This 45 minutes workout takes core training to a whole new level. You will stand, sit, lie down (prone & supine) and feel great afterwards. You determine the length of your workout! Mix the exercises to create the ultimate challege for your mid section. Super-sizzling or short and sweet -- you control the custom fit. Equipment used includes a step, stability ball, and dumb bell. Optional equipment (modifications shown without) inlcude a foam roller, med ball, and BO... More >>

Tracey Staehle's CoreBlast DVD